Monday, December 22, 2008

Thanks to Prabhupada

On November 29, 1971, the Chairman of the Vrindavan Municipality, its members and secretaries, and the citizens of Vrindavan Dhama offered the following words of praise to Srila Prabhupada:
“O great soul! Today we, the inhabitants of Vrindavan, known as Brijbasis, all combined offer our humble welcome to Your Holiness in this holy place of Vrindavan and in doing so feel very proud. For many years you stayed at the Radha-Damodara Temple and worshiped Her Majesty Srimati Radharani in a meditative mood, and thus you now have the transcendental vision to deliver the entire world. As proof of your perfection, we can see these foreign disciples before us, and we feel very proud to see how you have transformed them. We take it for granted that you are one of us in Vrindavan. We are sure that wherever you travel, you must carry with you the impression of Sri Vrindavan Dhama. The culture, religion, philosophy, and transcendental existence of Sri Vrindavan Dhama travel with you.“Through the great message Your Holiness carries, all the people of the world are now becoming very intimately related with Vrindavan Dhama. We are certainly sure that through your preaching alone the transcendental message of Vrindavan will spread all over the world.”

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