Saturday, July 11, 2009

Vrindavana Photos

Kanchana Kunda it is called as; the most sacred spot of this universe. This year the waters of Radha Kunda were emptied to clean this place and they revealed a very charming and mind tranquilizing Kanchana Kunda. This Kunda is the original kunda dug by Srimati Radharani and Her friends by their bangles and thus it is also known as Kangana Kunda or Kankana Kunda. Anyone who bathes even once in the waters which scintillates with Krishna bhakti, goes back home back to Godhead and attains which not obtained even by the greatest of yogis, love of Krishna.

Unfortunately, this fallen soul could not even peep into the beauty of this kunda when he went there. Srimati Radharani got the kunda filled with the waves of water, which always reflects the sweet pastime of the Lord. And the kunda was moved into the pages of history for next 20 years. Nonetheless this fallen soul could atleast touch that dust of the lotus feet of gopis and Srimati Radharani who dug that Kunda for the pleasure of Krishna.

Please enjoy the beauty of Sri Vrindavana Dham during this summer at the following link:

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Brahma Kunda is Restored

It's an immense pleasure for me to inform you all that Sri Brahma Kunda is restored to it's beauty after a long awaiting period of more than decades.
The Kunda which was searched by many devotees in Vrindavana Dham, now becomes the star in eyes of all. Isn't it amazing. Credit of this should be given to only the matchless efforts of Braj Foundation. Radharani will surely be happy on them.
All glories to Sri Vrindavana Dham.
For more information visit

Friday, January 2, 2009

Monday, December 29, 2008

Worshipable as the Lord

Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the selfsame Lord Sri Krishna. This time, however, He appeared as a great devotee of the Lord in order to preach to the people in general, as well as to religionists and philosophers, about the transcendental position of Sri Krsna, the primeval Lord and the cause of all causes. The essence of His preaching is that Lord Sri Krishna, who appeared at Vrajabhumi (Vrindavana) as the son of the King of Vraja (Nanda Maharaja), is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and is therefore worshipable by all. Vrindavana-dhama is nondifferent from the Lord because the name, fame, form and place where the Lord manifests Himself are all identical with the Lord as absolute knowledge. Therefore Vrindavana-dhama is as worshipable as the Lord. The highest form of transcendental worship of the Lord was exhibited by the damsels of Vrajabhumi in the form of pure affection for the Lord, and Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu recommends this process as the most excellent mode of worship. He accepts the Srimad-Bhagavata Purana as the spotless literature for understanding the Lord, and He preaches that the ultimate goal of life for all human beings is to attain the stage of prema, or love of God.
Introduction of Shrimad-Bhagavatam,
By Shrila Prabhupada, our beloved spiritual master

Monday, December 22, 2008

Thanks to Prabhupada

On November 29, 1971, the Chairman of the Vrindavan Municipality, its members and secretaries, and the citizens of Vrindavan Dhama offered the following words of praise to Srila Prabhupada:
“O great soul! Today we, the inhabitants of Vrindavan, known as Brijbasis, all combined offer our humble welcome to Your Holiness in this holy place of Vrindavan and in doing so feel very proud. For many years you stayed at the Radha-Damodara Temple and worshiped Her Majesty Srimati Radharani in a meditative mood, and thus you now have the transcendental vision to deliver the entire world. As proof of your perfection, we can see these foreign disciples before us, and we feel very proud to see how you have transformed them. We take it for granted that you are one of us in Vrindavan. We are sure that wherever you travel, you must carry with you the impression of Sri Vrindavan Dhama. The culture, religion, philosophy, and transcendental existence of Sri Vrindavan Dhama travel with you.“Through the great message Your Holiness carries, all the people of the world are now becoming very intimately related with Vrindavan Dhama. We are certainly sure that through your preaching alone the transcendental message of Vrindavan will spread all over the world.”

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Each Form has a Purpose

Shri Shri Radha Govinda (Pratibhu Murti) at Vrindavan
The Govinda Deity is called the functional Deity because He shows us how to serve Radha and Krishna. The Madana-mohana Deity simply establishes that "I am Your eternal servant." With Govinda, however, there is actual acceptance of service. Govinda resides eternally in Vrindavana. In the spiritual world of Vrindavana the buildings are made of touchstone, the cows are known as surabhi cows, givers of abundant milk, and the trees are known as wish-fulfilling trees, for they yield whatever one desires. In Vrindavana Krishna herds the surabhi cows, and He is worshiped by hundreds and thousands of gopis, cowherd girls, who are all goddesses of fortune. When Krishna descends to the material world, this same Vrindavana descends with Him, just as an entourage accompanies an important personage. Because when Krishna comes His land also comes, Vrindavana is considered to exist beyond the material world. Therefore devotees take shelter of the Vrindavana in India, for it is considered to be a replica of the original Vrindavana. Although one may complain that no kalpa-vrksa, wish-fulfilling trees, exist there, when the Gosvamis were there, kalpa-vrksa were present. It is not that one can simply go to such a tree and make demands; one must first become a devotee. The Gosvamis would live under a tree for one night only, and the trees would satisfy all their desires. For the common man this may all seem very wonderful, but as one makes progress in devotional service, all this can be realized.
Vrindavana is actually experienced as it is by persons who have stopped trying to derive pleasure from material enjoyment. "When will my mind become cleansed of all hankering for material enjoyment so I will be able to see Vrindavana?" one great devotee asks. The more Krishna conscious we become and the more we advance, the more everything is revealed as spiritual. Thus Krishnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami considered the Vrindavana in India to be as good as the Vrindavana in the spiritual sky, and in the sixteenth verse of the Caitanya-caritamrta he describes Radharani and Krishna as seated beneath a wish-fulfilling tree in Vrindavana, on a throne decorated with valuable jewels. There Krishna's dear gopi friends serve Radha and Krishna by singing, dancing, offering betel nuts and refreshments, and decorating Their Lordships with flowers. Even today in India people decorate swinging thrones and re-create this scene during the month of July–August. Generally at that time people go to Vrindavana to offer their respects to the Deities there.
(Introduction, Shri Chaitanya-charitamrita)